Thursday 21 May 2020

Life/Career Coach Steffi Black speaks about the importance of self-compa...

It's changing now and the role of kindness and compassion truly matter moving ahead. We will honour the well-being and mental health of employees by demonstrating those two character traits at work. It's not a 'nice to have',
it's an 'essential component' now.
In the wise words of
Mark C. Crowley author of "Lead From The Heart": "If ever there was a time for managers to be more caring, supportive and thoughtful of the needs of their employees it's this COVID-19 era. While it appears people seamlessly adapted to working from home, the truth is most are missing their colleagues, anxious about how long the pandemic will last and having far fewer micro-connections that enable human thriving. Consequently, leaders who demonstrate that they trust their people to perform - and are sensitive to how they're experiencing life right now - are what the present moment calls for. Put your people first - not your target. Ironically, the more you love your team right now, the better they will perform." hashtaginthistogether hashtagleadwithheart #bekinder#bebetter

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