Wednesday 7 January 2015

"Hold Me To It" - An emyth contest that reminds me of my focus for 2015

The title says it all - catchy and significant in one short phrase: "Hold Me To It". Thanks to coming across the successful business coaching business, e-myth, and their current on-line contest, I was inspired to write down my goals.

For 2015, I want to be less responsive to emails and various reactive behaviour and truly focus on key priorities for my small business and for my personal obligations moving ahead.  As I love alliteration, the words Clarity and Courage might just be my mantra this year.

Along with empowering my coaching clients to live their best lives possible, I will commit to a stronger mindfulness practice - 5 minutes isn't making the impact - and consistent yoga routine and I want to focus on #spreadthekindness and bring the curriculum to more schools and speak to progressive corporations about the power of committing to kindness in their corporation vision.

It's amazing what can happen when a school comes together and commits to spreading kindness, and imagine what could happen if more businesses commit to a fair, accountable and more compassionate work environment.

Moving forward, I want to be more courageous both in my personal and my professional life. I have a voice and something to contribute, as we all do, and I want to slowly but powerfully build that message, on a bigger stage, on the power of kindness.  I consider it an honor. Join me in to #spreadthekindness for 2015 and we can make so many places a warmer and more inclusive place to work and grow.

"Hold Me To It"!

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