Monday 19 November 2012

The importance of daily rituals

Let’s face it: We live in a busy and stressful environment, but that does not mean we have to always feel overwhelmed, in fact, there some simple ways to keep calm in the midst of chaos and to help us feel grounded in our daily lives. Here are 5 simple rituals that you can easily incorporate into your day and reap the benefits right away!

Setting an Intention: Before you jump out of bed into the morning rush, it’s important to be still and set your intention for the day. For example, I often say I am grateful for a new day and look forward to what it brings, and then I take a deep breath and begin my new day.

Saying a prayer: It can be helpful to find a prayer that you feel connected to and keep it beside your bed to read before starting your morning routine and before you go to sleep. It is helpful to begin and to end your day, connecting to your higher self.

Read a daily quote: Choose a relevant daily quote from a favourite book to start your day off  in a more thoughtful way. It will help to empower and inspire you. I like Robin Sharma’s: Daily Inspiration from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

Connect to nature: I understand that not everyone has time for a long exercise routine and we tend to spend most of our time indoors, especially as the weather gets colder. It is important to connect with nature in order to feel more grounded and renewed. If the gym is too time-consuming, try to take a short walk around the block and touch a tree or pick up a leaf and you will be surprised how peaceful it feels to connect with nature. We often forget that we are not really meant to be inside all day long.

At day’s end: I believe it is healthy to take a break from technology and rest your mind with a short meditation/prayer and empowering book. It ends your night on a peaceful and calming note and reminds you be more ‘in the moment.’
These are simple but powerful tools that are often employed by those who want to truly experience life and not just go through the motions. They are not too time-consuming and they can help ground and strengthen you, as they bring peaceful moments to your busy day.

Steffi Black is a Life and Career Coach and a Kindness Advocate for local schools. She is also founder of the virtual networking group, Connection Corner. You can visit her website at:

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