Thursday 15 October 2015

Share some happiness ...please! Why we need more positive news stories in the media

We know that the media has to share the major events happening in the world but does there need to be such an emphasis on tragedy and what is going wrong in our society:

In the words of Tat Apostolova of Mum in Search and certified ARTabundance coach and practioner: “I stopped watching the news on TV long time ago, because I was having nightmares afterwards. For a while I was getting my news from the internet until I read a horror story that kept me awake for about a week. Now I don't follow the news at all. Yes, I care about what's going on in the world, but I can only take on changing the world if I'm feeling positive and inspired. And after I've had enough sleep.”


David Leonhardst of THGM Ghostwriter Service asks a provocative question: “Should our media not be a beacon of hope, rather than of despair? The world has been getting better over the centuries. Life has been getting better. We have been getting better. Should the news not report the "news", all that is getting better day after day after day?”

When positive events are shared there is a ripple effect with scientific evidence that supports an increase of positive action by and toward others. When one kind action happens it inspires people to do more.
We know this as we share stories and acts of kindness and we personally witness what happens when we do.

Patricia Weber of ‘inspiring and supporting introverts shared: “The media reports primarily on bad news leading some to think, that's all there is. We know that's just not true. Take the lead from the people in Charleston SC who lead the news with their forgiveness statements instead of focusing their comments on what the big news stations were all to eager to do: focus on the evil and hatred. Tell us positive, inspiring, uplifting stories and we actually might lift you (the media) up.”

And Grace Murdock, creator of Kindness Bracelet, has the last word with a challenge for the news outlets: It is our belief, as part of a larger community of kindness advocates, that an increase of positive reporting will increase your ratings and the news will be what people turn ON each night rather than avoid. She goes on to add, "We urge you to try an experiment and place a positive 7 minutes in, again at 14 min. and at the end of your broadcast. Then check the ratings and see what happens.”

An uplifting challenge and I agree, so let's see more planting of positivity in the media and watching it grow.

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